Wednesday, October 17, 2007

They've Got To Be Freakin Kidding

Just got round to watching episode 1& 2 of the bionic woman…Casting snivelling Zoe Slater from Eastenders has turned me off it for life…may as well have cast her fat slapper sister Kat. And why make it so freakin dark..the attraction of the original series (apart from Lindsay Wagner) was it's smaltz. Popping tennis balls good. Military martial arts combat 5 mins after she got bionicified bad.

Casting the Crossing Jordan guy was also a bad move as was giving him dialog like "we're a private clandestine group dedicated to stopping rogue organisations from ending civilisation as we know it." IMDB shows him as only being in 4 out of 14 episodes so perhaps they came to their senses and canned him.

I see it has dropped below extreme makover in the ratings in the states….here's hoping that'll be the wake up call that sees them send Michelle Ryan back to the Queen Vic in Albert Square.

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Random Thoughts

How on earth did this England team make a world cup final? Australia & France hang your heads in shame.

I love my Apple HIFI. Having previously screwed around with a mini-itx media pc & a girder remote to grab songs from my pc via wireless and play them on my stereo I cannot get over how freakin easy the Apple HIFI is and just how damn good it sounds..."room filling sound" is fuggin accurate.

Maldivian's win in the Yalumba yesterday was Caulfiled Cup winning material.

How good do you think the shit hot doods would skate in rental skates? No seriously, I wanna know?

My new Dell Vostro notebook arrives tomorrow. I'm predicting I will be on the phone telling Dell I want the Samsung screen replaced with an LG one within 10 minutes. Read about why here.
Random Image.

Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Shit A Brick

I was mowing my lawn yesterday, on the front footpath, and I saw a car driving up out of the corner of my eye. The bonnet had blown up and was bent back against the windscreen. It had 2 wheels on the road and 2 on the footpath. It drove straight past me, maybe 3 feet from me, just missed a tree, kept going straight across my driveway and shuddered t oa stop in front of my neighbours house.

My first thought was that he had done an awesome job to stop safely with the bonnet having malfunctioned like that. But the props & r lasted about as long as it took for the driver to get out and stagger around drunk. He was absolutely flogged.

Another car pulled up but hung back next to me watching him. They told me they had been following him to make sure he didn't hit and kill anyone. Apparently he had already hit a car with 2 people in it and 3 light posts.

They called the cops who turned up pronto but the guy was so drunk he didn't even try to run away.

In another half an hour I would have been sweeping my driveway with my 20 month old son. He has a kids broom and just loves to do what ever I do including sweeping the driveway.
