The toll on the M6 is £4.70. Thanks for coming.
There's a no toll M6 but you get caught in traffic around Birmingham.
At least here they have toll booths. In Brisbane it's bad luck for visitors and tourists. You have to know enough to write the phone number down and phone up to pay the toll afterwards. What a joke.
We're down in London again for a couple of nights. Tonight is the big Eastenders live episode where you can bet at the bookies on who killed Archie Mitchell. Was tempted to put my work punters club bet on Jack Brannon or Tracy the barmaid but Boxy gets the hump when someone bets on ladies tennis so he'd burst a blood vessel if I did.
Tomorrow it's off to West Ham vs Hull for the 3 of us. Hopefully I'll be able to stick it to Squeaky Clean the same way I did to Brummie Damian Roe.
Then on Sunday morning it's the 4.45am shuttle to Heathrow and a flight to Sweden to go skiing. Don't think I'll have mobile service so updates will have to wait until we get back a week later.
J is for Jolly Wagoner
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