Sunday, January 15, 2012

Poopi the Reindeer

A couple more excursions. Carole and Ben went to visit Santa in his secret hideaway. The premise being that this is where he recuperates after Christmas is over. Apparently they surprised him in his dressing gown. Not everyday you get to visit Santa on his home turf.

The 3 of us also went on a reindeer safari that was a lot more sedate than the husky equivalent that we did in Sweden 2 years ago. Struck a beautiful day for it, we sat in a large wooden sleigh with a big blanket to keep us warm, they hooked us up to a single reindeer and away we went. We were told the length of the safari depended entirely on the will of the reindeer as sometimes they happily went the whole distance and other times turned back of their own accord after 15 mins. Our guys went the distance! There was a guide who hung way back and it was just us and our four footed haulers...we were literally 500m away from the guide and plodding merrily along.

We nicknamed our reindeer Poopi for self evident reasons.

Quite enjoyed it and Carole & Ben really loved the reindeers.