Anyway I lost count at 44-0 to the good guys and off we toddled to get ready for a night out on the tiles at the Bhurtpore Inn, home of a once a year beer festival where people come from all over to sample over 130 ales on tap. Take a second to think about the logistics of that. But tonight's just a normal night with 10 guest ales on backed up by a gazillion bottled beers. Up until tonight my A-Z list hasn't been getting too much attention but that's all about to change. P for Pendleton Witches Brew gets us started, a strong Lancashire pale ale followed by Y is for Yorkshire Blonde, S is for St Edmunds a premium golden Suffolk bitter, an Ossett's Treacle Stout from Yorkshire that I'm not sure whether to file under O or T. Some dinner doesn't slow us down (pigeon starter dish! followed by a curry for me) and we're back into it. A 7.4% Ratsputin Ale from Huddersfield leads on to a New World Pale Ale, an Old Dog premium Cheshire Bitter, a Salopian Sienna from Shrewsbury (say that 5 times fast Kenny Calender)...and well you get the picture. I bemoan my lack of a Z. And the barman disappears down the cellar and comes back with a bottled beer called Zeitgeist. Z tick, thank you very much my good man.
Our driver the wonderful Sarah shuttles us back into Nantwich in two trips where we kick on at the Black Lion. By this stage my documentation got a little overlooked in the blur of the night but never mind....The washup is that my all time UK beer list now only needs a Q and my list for this trip only needs a A Q & W. Great night was had by all.
In the morning I vaguely remover agreeing to play squash with Glen who true to his word has improved out of sight since I played him last. He wiped the floor with me much to my chagrin and Sarah's joy (Carole informs me that I was sledging a bit hard the night before which would explain Sarah's clap & giggle when told of the result lol).
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