Thursday, December 13, 2012

Panic & Tears

Caught our 12pm flight on the 12/12/12. It may or may not have been 12 mins and 12 seconds late. Despite being a flying veteran of some 15 or so previous flights, Ben has recently become very concerned about the take off part of the flight and making comments about not liking it. We had to fly to Melbourne 1st. He worked himself up into such a state that it was almost full panic and there was a lot of tears. Very sad. For the Singapore flight the entertainment system worked pre flight and during take off so he was pre-occupied and didn't get worked up.

Had a pretty new A380 Airbus with 2 floors. Plenty of leg room and even with the seats in front fully reclined I had room to stretch my legs out, which was extra important this trip due to my recent surgery and radiation treatment. And those 380 seats recline a long way. Too far IMHO. Doesn't effect leg room but the entertainment screen is about 6 inches from your face unless you also recline.

Sending this from Singapore airport while we wait for refueling. Next stop London.

Ben thought he had outgrown his Thomas suitcase and fancied something more grown up. As we were going to the gate we found this orange one for a bargain price and he was very chuffed.