Caught the bus out to Snugbury's Ice Creamery at Hurleston with Carole's auntie Eileen to see this years straw structure in the adjoining field. Last year they had Bradley Wiggins the cyclist. This year the voting was a landslide for something to commemorate Dr Who's 50th anniversary. Just the metal framework for the Dalek took 700 hours and for the 1st time this year they had movement, sound and lights which were triggered by a motion sensor when you walked up to it. Way cool. I upload a few seconds of video of it here .
For the record I had a triple scoop 'Dalick' of tropical coconut, strawberry and Pimm, and ginger and honey since a portion of the proceeds went to cancer research.
Afterwards we walked along the nearby canal where we got to see one of the canal boats going through the locks and Ben even helped to close one of the sluice gates. Carole remarked that there was no way she would have the patience to go through all the locks. I think Ben and I would have fun and you can moor at pubs along the way. What's not to like.

That is so cool!! Nice to see Ben there (and the back of your head is looking very nice, Carole!)
I hope you all have a great Christmas in Portugal!
GG xxx
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