Sunday, December 23, 2012

Which Way To The Arbor?

Lazy Sunday morning sleep in before heading into Swindon to check out the designer outlet centre.  There are so many things I would buy if I lived in a cold climate but they are just not practical for Australia.  We decide to head back after Christmas when things might be even cheaper!

Carole has booked us into something called "An Enchanted Christmas" at the national arboretum at Westonbirt and it turns out to be an interesting walk through a forest trail at night where trees are lit up with lights and special effects.  Some of them are very cool including massive colored smoke rings, video cameras projecting your face up onto tree trunks, noise activated lights.  And of course there's Santa (dressed in forest green) and fairies and roasted chestnuts and mulled wine.  To be honest I wasn't expecting much but it was very good.


Unknown said...

you have already seen soo0 much. Looks like the weather is good too. Love the pics of the tree in lights. :-)

norven munky said...

Sorry Lucille I didn't see your comment till now. Thanks. Having heaps of fun. Hope you aren't too hot in Brisbane!