Friday, January 11, 2013

Darwen Moors in Lancashire

Drove up to spend some time with friends Louis and Dorrie at their cottage in Dimple/Egerton which is near Bolton & Blackburn. We all love going up there...Ben loves the birds and being fussed over by Dorrie and Carole really enjoys spending time outdoors in the countryside and there are some great spots nearby. This time we went for a walk on the Darwen Moors up to Darwen Tower after having lunch at the Country Cafe where there is a table with a one way window with bird feeders on the other side. Clever.

There is lots of heather on the moors that would be purple in the spring and when Dorrie tells me that, I hang back and play the 3 songs on my phone that always make me think of my Mum, Rod Stewart's Purple Heather, Sting's Fields of Gold and John Denver's Annie's Song. Puts a smile on my face and I felt very peaceful walking back down.