Saturday, January 26, 2013

No Fat Chicks

To be honest, Singapore was out least preferred Asian stop over location for the trip home. We wanted to give Ben some exposure to Asian culture now he is getting old enough to retain the experiences and Singapore is more clean and western than places like Hong Kong and Thailand. But the flight deals are just so much cheaper so we sell out.

We use credit card points to book a nice hotel in Chinatown (hypocritical after my Asian culture comments I guess but we also want some chill out time by the pool and to be a bit rested and relaxed before getting home). And the location is perfect just metres from the hustle and bustle.

And the blog title? Not a single overweight person herein Singapore (apart from the tourists lol!). It's just a play on words using the wording from a brogan bumper sticker, so chill out ladies.